...that Jesus is Lord, and therefore He is central to everything we do and are! Jesus is GOOD! His whole life is a gift of kindness, grace, forgiveness, hope and joy. His love changes us from the inside out, and inspires and challenges us to be better people. We treasure the story of Jesus. We study his teachings, model from his life and attitudes and follow his ways. We want to be like him!
Our world is filled with so much confusion, brokenness, self centredness, aggression, violence, distorted 'truth' and destruction. We believe that Jesus and his way is the only true answer to what troubles our world. So we encourage people to explore Jesus, know him, find forgiveness in him and follow his way.
We believe that, in the Spirit of Jesus our church exists to make the world a kinder, better, more compassionate place. So, we volunteer to alleviate poverty, support local families, and work alongside young people. We value every individual and love it when people find their voice and step forward to life. We celebrate achievements, growth in character and the difference people make when they commit to living for the sake of others. We don’t wait for people to try to pick up that they matter. We say it! We want everyone to know that they have gifts and qualities, and to use them to bring kindness, grace, forgiveness hope and joy to others. If this is you, you’re welcome to come join us in making our community a better place!